“Our mission is aimed to be respected around the world as one of the most reliable across and dedicated logistics company”
To achieve our mission to be the most reliable and dedicated logistic company, we will continue to expanded our branches across the United States and worldwide.
We have a system of operations that will support our clients in their personal needs. Our future plans include creating one of the best business plan: one stop logistic website that has ever existed. Our clients will have remote access to their shipment status and documentation by simply registering with us. This will ensure that our clients are always up to date with their shipment and never left questioning their shipment.
We plan on offering services that no other company provides. Our goal is to be prompt on all inquiries and questions. We want to be a dependable company where our client’s shipment can be trusted. Webtrans Logistics Inc. aims to be company where we can get your cargo anywhere in the world with the most little effort on your side.
Establishment Year: 2000
Total Number of Employees: 39
Job Description:
LAX - Accounting/Admin
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