대륙별·국가별 신청

세계로 나아가 글로벌 인재로 성장하여 양질의 일자리에서 일할 수 있도록 지원합니다.

사업내용 및 지원자 유의사항
본 공고와 관련한 채용과정, 당사자간 합의 및 근로계약사항, 취업관련 비자발급 여부 에 대해서는 한국산업인력공단이 책임지지 않음을 알려드리며, 현지국 노동법 및 공고상 근무조건 등을 면밀히 확인하시기 바랍니다.
Kheir Clinic

[2024 GTF] 미국, Kheir Clinic, Physician (2명)

  • 대표자Erin Pak
  • 자본금 정보없음
  • 업종유사 의료업
  • 설립연도 1986년
  • 매출액 20,000,000 달러
  • 사원수 130 명
  • 주소 3727 W. 6th St. Suite 210, Los Angeles, CA 90020
  • 홈페이지http://www.lakheir.org


  • 경력 경력 1년이상 ~ 21년이하
  • 학력대학(교) 졸업 
  • 외국어 필수 영어(상) : 모든 상황에서 효과적인 의사소통 가능
    필수 한국어(상) : 모든 상황에서 효과적인 의사소통 가능


  • 고용형태정규직
  • 근무지역미국
  • 근무시간9 시간 / 5일
  • 급여(한화) 연봉 32,799 ~ 36,734 만원
  • 급여(외화) 연봉  250,000 ~  280,000 (USD)


  • 시작일2024-07-11
  • 마감일2024-07-19

Physicians are integral members of the clinical team. The Physician provides cost-effective services to low-income families and individuals, with a special focus on providing culturally and linguistically appropriate health and wellness services to the residents of the community. The Physician must be committed to delivering timely, efficient, quality medical care to all patients in a professional, caring, and ethical manner.


• Performs history and physical examinations on adults and children. Physical exams include pre-employment, school, sports, well child periodic screening, etc.
• Performs Pap smears, breast examinations, and other medical services as needed.
• Counsels for birth control and prescribes as appropriate.
• Gathers complete medical history and performs a physical exam on each client.
• Provides treatment for and documents various related diseases.
• Prescribes medications, as deemed appropriate.
• Reviews results of lab tests, diagnostic imaging, referral/consultant reports and arranges appropriate follow-up.
• Provides for the provision of health education and appropriately documents all health education.
• Addresses miscellaneous medical questions in the absence of the Medical Director.
• Participates in Provider, Practice Management, and Quality Control meetings.
• Participates in chart review and quality assurance activities as detailed in the Quality Assurance policies and procedures.
• Specifically responsible for chart review, lab review and communication with consultants.
• Provides clinical supervision when the Medical Director is absent.
• Responds to, and documents all Unusual Occurrences involving patient care. Responds to and documents all patient complaints and reports to the Medical Director and COO.
• Responds to calls from pharmacies regarding prescriptions and refills, physicians, and patients requiring medical advice.
• Collaborates with the office staff for appropriate and timely arrangements for presenting patients whose scheduled providers are absent. Assists in training of support staff.
• Renders a full schedule of patients under the following appointment guidelines: (i) 30 minutes for New Patient physicals, (ii) 15 minutes for follow-up= returning patient visits, and walk-in patient visits (iii) 30 minutes for select complicated patient appointments as designated by Kheir leadership, and (iv) extended appointment times for select procedure types, as applicable to the provider (ie. IUD insertion, colposcopy).
• Participates in after-hour call support rotation.
• Other responsibilities and duties as assigned


직종 내과 전문 의사
모집공고번호 E20240630009
모집인원 2명
국가 미국
  • 학력 대학(교) 졸업
  • 경력 경력 1년이상 ~ 21년이하
  • 자격면허
  • 외국어능력 필수 영어(상) : 모든 상황에서 효과적인 의사소통 가능  / 필수 한국어(상) : 모든 상황에서 효과적인 의사소통 가능

Physicians are integral members of the clinical team. The Physician provides cost-effective services to low-income families and individuals, with a special focus on providing culturally and linguistically appropriate health and wellness services to the residents of the community. The Physician must be committed to delivering timely, efficient, quality medical care to all patients in a professional, caring, and ethical manner.


• Performs history and physical examinations on adults and children. Physical exams include pre-employment, school, sports, well child periodic screening, etc.
• Performs Pap smears, breast examinations, and other medical services as needed.
• Counsels for birth control and prescribes as appropriate.
• Gathers complete medical history and performs a physical exam on each client.
• Provides treatment for and documents various related diseases.
• Prescribes medications, as deemed appropriate.
• Reviews results of lab tests, diagnostic imaging, referral/consultant reports and arranges appropriate follow-up.
• Provides for the provision of health education and appropriately documents all health education.
• Addresses miscellaneous medical questions in the absence of the Medical Director.
• Participates in Provider, Practice Management, and Quality Control meetings.
• Participates in chart review and quality assurance activities as detailed in the Quality Assurance policies and procedures.
• Specifically responsible for chart review, lab review and communication with consultants.
• Provides clinical supervision when the Medical Director is absent.
• Responds to, and documents all Unusual Occurrences involving patient care. Responds to and documents all patient complaints and reports to the Medical Director and COO.
• Responds to calls from pharmacies regarding prescriptions and refills, physicians, and patients requiring medical advice.
• Collaborates with the office staff for appropriate and timely arrangements for presenting patients whose scheduled providers are absent. Assists in training of support staff.
• Renders a full schedule of patients under the following appointment guidelines: (i) 30 minutes for New Patient physicals, (ii) 15 minutes for follow-up= returning patient visits, and walk-in patient visits (iii) 30 minutes for select complicated patient appointments as designated by Kheir leadership, and (iv) extended appointment times for select procedure types, as applicable to the provider (ie. IUD insertion, colposcopy).
• Participates in after-hour call support rotation.
• Other responsibilities and duties as assigned

• Valid California Provider License; Board-Certified MD or DO
• First Aid / CPR Certificate
• Knowledge of nursing process and medical model, health and physical assessment, medical diagnosis and appropriate treatments
• Ability to perform emergency resuscitation
• Knowledge of sanitation practices, proper nutrition, and related programs
• Skill in written and verbal communication
• Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with employees, other agencies, and the public, and ability to manage and lead clinic operations
• Bilingual in English/Korean Required
• Compassion for the health of the underserved and uninsured communities
• Experience in community clinic setting preferred but not required.
모집공고 URL https://www.worldjob.or.kr/advnc/epmtLink.do?joCrtfcNo=E20240630009&joCrtfcDsp=4&joCrtfcDspSn=1&menuId=1000000014


급여사항(년) 32,799만원 ~ 36,734만원 ( 250,000 USD ~ 280,000 USD ) 계약기간 [정규직]
근무시간 9 시간 / 5일 보험가입 지원 / Medica, Dental, Vision
비자타입 기타 퇴직금 지원 / 403b, 457B Saving Plan
가족동반 가능 숙식 미지원
항공료 미지원 휴가 협의
기타 근로조건 *위 근로조건은 변경될 수 있으며, 자세한 사항은 추후협의바랍니다.
*고용노동부 공고 인증 기준 2,400만 원 이상임을 확인하였으나, 구체적인 연봉은 경력 등에 따라 면접 시 협의 예정
* J-1, H-1등 비자 지원 (비용 지원 협의 필요)


구인기업 업종 유사 의료업
기업명 Kheir Clinic
근무지주소 3727 W. 6th St. Suite 210, Los Angeles, CA 90020
E-Mail kmove.la@gmail.com


(한국시간 기준)
2024-07-11 ~ 2024-07-19
채용예정일 2024-09-06
필수서류 국문이력서 , 영문이력서 , 국문자기소개서 , 영문자기소개서
기타 제출서류
진행방법 1차: 서류심사(이력서, 자기소개서, 증명서 등 제출서류 서면 심사)
2차: 면접 심사(면접 및 외국어 평가를 통해 직무수행에 필요한 능력 종합평가)
※※ 면접 대상자는 서류심사 합격자에 한하여 개별 통보

*본 공고는 2024.08.27(화)~08.28(수) 코엑스에서 오프라인으로 개최되는 2024 GLOBAL TALENT FAIR 참가기업 구인공고로 행사 당일 면접이 가능합니다.
문의처 clairexmoon@kotra.or.kr ※ 이메일로 이력서 지원은 불가하며 공고 관련 문의 시 E로 시작하는 공고번호를 반드시 기재하여 주시기 바랍니다.
담당자 이재원
기타사항 ※ 본 공고와 관련한 추후 면접진행 및 채용과정, 당사자 간 합의 및 계약 사항, 그리고 해당국가 취업 관련 비자발급 여부에 대해서는 KOTRA가 책임지지 않음을 알려드리오니 착오 없으시기 바랍니다.
※ 위 기재된 채용예정일은 업체 사정상 변경 될 수 있음을 알려드립니다.
※ 업체에서 채용 결정시 공고가 조기 마감될 수 있음을 알려드립니다.