세계로 나아가 글로벌 인재로 성장하여 양질의 일자리에서 일할 수 있도록 지원합니다.
- Main focus on communication/consultation with Korean-speaking customers on corporate secretarial works - Provide advice on compliance requirements - Ensuring compliance with relevant statutory and regulatory requirements (including deadlines) by both the company and clients - Relevant knowledge in drafting and updating database of corporate secretarial precedents - You will assist a Manager/Supervisor in handling clients’ portfolio - Other corporate or ad-hoc duties as required - Basic knowledge of accounting duties will be an advantage
채용공고 상세정보가 궁금하다면?
로그인하시고 해당 공고의 모집요강, 근로조건, 근무지정보, 접수기간/방법을 확인하세요!
해외취업이 처음이라면?
월드잡플러스카카오톡 챗봇