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사업내용 및 지원자 유의사항
본 공고와 관련한 추후 면접 진행 및 채용과정, 당사자간 합의 및 계약사항 그리고 해당 국가 취업관련 비자 발급 여부 에 대해서는 한국산업인력공단이 책임지지 않음을 알려드리오니, 착오 없으시기 바랍니다.

[2023 해외일경험 WELL 4차] YOUKI GmbH (Marketing)

  • 대표자김영중
  • 자본금 정보없음
  • 업종기타 일반 공공 행정
  • 설립연도 1982년
  • 매출액 1,156,142,000,000 원
  • 사원수 1,856 명
  • 주소(44538)
    울산광역시 중구 교동 120 한국산업인력공단
  • 홈페이지http://hrdkorea.or.kr


  • 경력 무관
  • 학력해당없음 
  • 외국어 필수 영어(최상) : Fluent in spoken and written English(모든 상황에서 효과적인 의사소통 가능)
    선택 독일어(중상) : 업무와 관련된 제한적인 의사소통 가능


  • 고용형태일경험 3개월
  • 근무지역독일
  • 근무시간40hours/week
  • 급여 무급


  • 시작일2023-08-11
  • 마감일2023-08-16
								□ Company Name : YOUKI GmbH

- YOUKI GmbH, founded by Michael Stoussavljewitsch and Martin Stoussavljewitsch, is a start-up company focused on introducing a range of blockchain-based business models in the renewable energy and fintech domain. The subsidiary, ecrop GmbH, serves as the role of the crypto securities registrar, as well as the custodian of crypto assets and crypto securities (Bafin regulated). One of our recent products is https://wattify.app an impact investment platform for renewable energy
□ Country/Region : Germany / Amberg
□ Website : www.youki.ai

□ Position : Marketing
□ Responsibilities
Exciting opportunity awaits for a dynamic, forward-thinking individual to join our team as a working student marketing for an IT crowdfunding platform, where you will be responsible for utilizing cutting-edge AI marketing tools and collaborating with a highly-skilled team to develop and execute innovative marketing strategies that drive growth and success for the platform.

Intern Responsibilities:
• Assisting the marketing team in developing and implementing marketing campaigns to promote the crowdfunding platform, utilizing AI marketing tools such as Jasper, ChatGPT.
• Working with the team to integrate AI marketing tools into the marketing strategy, and helping to analyze the data collected from these tools to optimize marketing efforts.
• Conducting market research and analyzing customer data to identify trends and opportunities for growth, using AI tools to streamline data analysis and generate insights.
• Creating and curating content for the platform's website, social media channels, and other marketing materials, while utilizing AI tools to assist in content creation and curation.
• Coordinating with product owner, designers, writers, and other members of the marketing team (including support team) to ensure that all content is engaging, accurate, and consistent with the brand's voice and style, while leveraging AI tools to automate certain tasks and streamline workflows.
• Providing support to the customer service team by responding to customer inquiries and resolving issues, and using AI tools to help automate and optimize customer support processes.
• Collaborating with other staff members, such as product development and sales, to ensure that all marketing efforts are aligned with the overall business strategy, and utilizing AI tools to help identify areas of synergy and opportunities for cross-functional collaboration.
• Assisting with the planning and execution of events, webinars, and other promotional activities, while utilizing AI tools to help automate certain tasks and optimize event planning and management.
• Tracking and reporting on key performance indicators (KPIs) related to marketing campaigns, such as website traffic, conversion rates, and customer engagement, using AI tools to help streamline data analysis and generate insights.
• Staying up-to-date with industry trends and best practices in marketing, crowdfunding, IT, and AI, and helping to identify opportunities to incorporate emerging AI technologies into the marketing strategy.


직종 그 외 기획 및 마케팅 사무원
모집공고번호 E20230512016
모집인원 2명
국가 독일
  • 학력 해당없음
  • 경력 무관
  • 자격면허
  • 외국어능력 필수 영어(최상) : Fluent in spoken and written English(모든 상황에서 효과적인 의사소통 가능)  / 선택 독일어(중상) : 업무와 관련된 제한적인 의사소통 가능
주요업무내용 □ Company Name : YOUKI GmbH
- YOUKI GmbH, founded by Michael Stoussavljewitsch and Martin Stoussavljewitsch, is a start-up company focused on introducing a range of blockchain-based business models in the renewable energy and fintech domain. The subsidiary, ecrop GmbH, serves as the role of the crypto securities registrar, as well as the custodian of crypto assets and crypto securities (Bafin regulated). One of our recent products is https://wattify.app an impact investment platform for renewable energy
□ Country/Region : Germany / Amberg
□ Website : www.youki.ai

□ Position : Marketing
□ Responsibilities
Exciting opportunity awaits for a dynamic, forward-thinking individual to join our team as a working student marketing for an IT crowdfunding platform, where you will be responsible for utilizing cutting-edge AI marketing tools and collaborating with a highly-skilled team to develop and execute innovative marketing strategies that drive growth and success for the platform.

Intern Responsibilities:
• Assisting the marketing team in developing and implementing marketing campaigns to promote the crowdfunding platform, utilizing AI marketing tools such as Jasper, ChatGPT.
• Working with the team to integrate AI marketing tools into the marketing strategy, and helping to analyze the data collected from these tools to optimize marketing efforts.
• Conducting market research and analyzing customer data to identify trends and opportunities for growth, using AI tools to streamline data analysis and generate insights.
• Creating and curating content for the platform's website, social media channels, and other marketing materials, while utilizing AI tools to assist in content creation and curation.
• Coordinating with product owner, designers, writers, and other members of the marketing team (including support team) to ensure that all content is engaging, accurate, and consistent with the brand's voice and style, while leveraging AI tools to automate certain tasks and streamline workflows.
• Providing support to the customer service team by responding to customer inquiries and resolving issues, and using AI tools to help automate and optimize customer support processes.
• Collaborating with other staff members, such as product development and sales, to ensure that all marketing efforts are aligned with the overall business strategy, and utilizing AI tools to help identify areas of synergy and opportunities for cross-functional collaboration.
• Assisting with the planning and execution of events, webinars, and other promotional activities, while utilizing AI tools to help automate certain tasks and optimize event planning and management.
• Tracking and reporting on key performance indicators (KPIs) related to marketing campaigns, such as website traffic, conversion rates, and customer engagement, using AI tools to help streamline data analysis and generate insights.
• Staying up-to-date with industry trends and best practices in marketing, crowdfunding, IT, and AI, and helping to identify opportunities to incorporate emerging AI technologies into the marketing strategy.
그 외 자격요건 □ Required Education : Ideally be enrolled in a relevant degree program such as Marketing, Business Administration, Information Technology or a related field.
□ Required Experience : Basic understanding of marketing principles, experience with customer support, and some knowledge of IT platforms.
□ 독일어 구사 가능한 경우 우대

In addition to the aforementioned responsibilities, we are seeking a candidate who possesses the following qualifications:
1. Currently enrolled in a Bachelor's or Master's degree program in Marketing, Business Administration, Communications, Information Technology, or a related field.
2. Previous experience in marketing, customer service, or IT is desirable, but not required.
3. Strong communication and interpersonal skills, with the ability to work effectively in a team environment and communicate clearly and concisely with colleagues and clients.
4. Demonstrated ability to work independently, manage time effectively, and prioritize tasks in a fast-paced environment.
5. Proficient in the use of Google Suite, and social media platforms.
6. Intercultural competence and experience working in an international environment is highly valued, as our team is composed of experts from diverse backgrounds and cultures.
If you are passionate about marketing, IT, and the latest trends in AI, and are excited to work alongside a team of experienced professionals from around the world, we encourage you to apply.
모집공고 URL https://www.worldjob.or.kr/advnc/epmtLink.do?joCrtfcNo=E20230512016&joCrtfcDsp=1&joCrtfcDspSn=2&menuId=1000006335


급여 무급 계약기간 [일경험] 3개월
근무시간 40hours/week 보험가입 공단 지원 예정
비자타입 워킹홀리데이 퇴직금 해당 없음
가족동반 불가능 숙식
항공료 공단 일부 지원 휴가 상세 참조
기타 근로조건 ★ 본 공고는 정규 채용을 위한 것이 아닌, 2023년 해외 일경험 지원사업(WELL)의 일경험 참여 청년 모집 공고로 공고 중 일부는 무급으로 진행됨을 반드시 사전 양지하여주시기 바랍니다.
(구체적인 급여 관련 정보 등 기재되어 있지 않을 시 무급)

□ Salary : Non-paid
□ Holidays : 6 days within the 3 months(additional public holidays during this time are free)
□ Working Hours : 40hours/week
□ Internship Dates : 3 months

★ 공단 지원사항
- 준비금(항공료, 보험료, 비자 발급비 등 최대 300만원 내 실비 지원), 현지 체재비 월 150만원 지원
- 초과 비용은 본인 부담


구인기업 업종 컴퓨터 프로그래밍 서비스업
기업명 YOUKI GmbH
근무지주소 Untere Nabburger Strasse 10, 92224 Amberg


(한국시간 기준)
2023-08-11 ~ 2023-08-16
채용예정일 2023-09-30
필수서류 영문이력서 , 영문자기소개서
기타 제출서류 - 필수 제출 서류 : ① 영문 Cover Letter ② 영문 CV 또는 Resume
- 제출 서류는 자유 양식으로 작성하되, 1개의 PDF 파일로 별도 첨부하여 제출하시기 바랍니다(첨부, 지원 방법은 ★공지사항의 지원 매뉴얼을 반드시 참조하시기 바랍니다)
- 공고별 지원 전, ★일경험 지원서를 반드시 제출해주시기 바랍니다.
- 기업/기관별 공고는 3개까지 지원 가능합니다.
진행방법 1) 월드잡(WWW.WORLDJOB.OR.KR) 회원가입
2) 채용·모집 > 해외일경험(WELL)
3) 일경험 지원서 작성 및 제출
4) 해외 일경험 참여 기업 공고 클릭 후 공고에 대해 영문이력서(① 영문 Cover Letter ② 영문 CV 또는 Resume ) 제출
5) 1차 전형 : 공단 서류, 면접 심사
6) 2차 전형 : 참여 기업/기관 서류, 면접 심사
★ 면접 등 전형 일정 등은 해당자에 개별 통보 예정
★ 일경험 지원서와 공고에 대한 영문이력서 제출을 모두 완료해야만 최종 지원으로 인정됩니다.
★ 영문이력서는 자유 양식으로, 1개의 PDF 파일로 별도 첨부하여 제출하시기 바랍니다(첨부 방법 등은 공지사항의 안내 참조)
문의처 job1@hrdkorea.or.kr ※ 이메일로 이력서 지원은 불가하며 공고 관련 문의 시 E로 시작하는 공고번호를 반드시 기재하여 주시기 바랍니다.
담당자 이인재
기타사항 2023년 해외일경험 지원사업 공통 모집 자격 요건
• 만 34세 이하('88.7.31. 이후 출생) 대한민국 국민으로서 대학(원) 졸업(예정)자 혹은 최종학년 재학생 및 휴학생
• 미취업자(다만, 주 30시간 미만 일자리에 근무하는 자는 미취업으로 간주하며, 취업여부 확인은 고용보험전산망 피보험자 자격기준으로 확인)
• 국가별 비자 취득 또는 해외취업에 결격사유가 없는 자 (미국 J-1 Visa(Exchange Visitor Visa), 독일 워킹홀리데이 비자, 호주 워킹홀리데이 비자, 일본 문화활동 비자 혹은 워킹홀리데이 비자)
• TOEIC 850점 이상, IELTS 7.5 이상, OPic IM 1이상, TOEIC Speaking Intermediate High/6등급(130점) 이상, TOEFL iBT 98점 이상, NEW TEPS 336점 이상 중 하나를 보유한 자(단, 프로그램 지원일 기준 유효기간(2년) 이내 성적만 인정)
• 그외 기업/기관별 요구 조건을 충족하는 자(학력, 전공, 어학능력 등)