대륙별·국가별 신청

세계로 나아가 글로벌 인재로 성장하여 양질의 일자리에서 일할 수 있도록 지원합니다.

사업내용 및 지원자 유의사항
본 공고와 관련한 추후 면접 진행 및 채용과정, 당사자간 합의 및 계약사항 그리고 해당 국가 취업관련 비자 발급 여부 에 대해서는 한국산업인력공단이 책임지지 않음을 알려드리오니, 착오 없으시기 바랍니다.
Qatar National Bank

[KOTRA] 카타르, Qatar National Bank, Project Manager - Engineering (5명, 성별무관)

  • 대표자H.E.Ali Shareef Al-Emadi
  • 자본금 정보없음
  • 업종국내은행
  • 설립연도 1964년
  • 매출액 정보없음
  • 사원수 500 명
  • 주소 Q-post Building, West Bay, Al-Dafna, Doha, Qatar
  • 홈페이지http://qnb.com.qa


  • 경력 경력 4년이상 ~ 15년이하
  • 학력대학(교) 졸업 
  • 외국어 필수 영어(상) : able to communicate effectively in any situation without any difficulty
    선택 아랍어(중) : (preferable) communicational Arabic


  • 고용형태정규직
  • 근무지역카타르
  • 근무시간8시간/5일
  • 급여(한화) 면접 후 결정


  • 시작일2019-12-16
  • 마감일2020-11-20
								You will be responsible for execution & completion of the assigned projects from initial design stage through tendering, supervising and ensuring the execution of all project work as per specifications, scheduling tasks, monitoring cost & quality and coordinate with end users for smooth occupying.

Prepare budget estimates for the building and renovation projects & Control expenses within the capital expenditure budget approved for these projects.

Coordinate with concerned user departments to secure the requirements to plan and design the project specifications and drawings.

Coordinate with outside contractors, consultants and regulatory authorities where required during the design phase.

Conduct feasibility studies, investigate maintenance requests, and prepare estimates and scope of work.

Document project requirements from user departments to develop the design specifications.

Based on the approved project specifications, produce design drawings and submit them to the Head of Projects and Engineering for approval.

Coordinate with consultants for preparing tender documents and evaluation reports of tenders with recommendations to Head of Projects & Engineering.

Monitor the execution of projects and ensure that they are performed in accordance with the set design documents.

Coordinate with consultants & contractors and ensure the execution of project as per the specifications and drawings.

Review the material submittals, shop drawings, etc., and follow-up the procurement of materials.

Cross-check the contractor's valuations, variations, etc., and provide comments/ suggestions.

Supervise projects and conduct regular site visits and site meetings to ensure the progress of works.

Prepare progress reports on the projects in accordance with agreed time and format requirements.

Verify the billing and progress of work submitted by contractors and submit comments/ suggestions.

Check-up site readiness and coordinate with occupying department & other concerned departments for smooth mobilization.

Maintain a good understanding of project design techniques, methodology and best practices for a wide variety of small to medium scale projects.

Maintain utmost confidentiality; design documents should only be provided on a need to know basis.

Project design & execution should be in compliance with all regulatory requirements.


직종 건축시공 기술자
모집공고번호 E20191215004
모집인원 5명
국가 카타르
  • 학력 대학(교) 졸업
  • 경력 경력 4년이상 ~ 15년이하
  • 자격면허
  • 외국어능력 필수 영어(상) : able to communicate effectively in any situation without any difficulty  / 선택 아랍어(중) : (preferable) communicational Arabic
주요업무내용 You will be responsible for execution & completion of the assigned projects from initial design stage through tendering, supervising and ensuring the execution of all project work as per specifications, scheduling tasks, monitoring cost & quality and coordinate with end users for smooth occupying.

Prepare budget estimates for the building and renovation projects & Control expenses within the capital expenditure budget approved for these projects.

Coordinate with concerned user departments to secure the requirements to plan and design the project specifications and drawings.

Coordinate with outside contractors, consultants and regulatory authorities where required during the design phase.

Conduct feasibility studies, investigate maintenance requests, and prepare estimates and scope of work.

Document project requirements from user departments to develop the design specifications.

Based on the approved project specifications, produce design drawings and submit them to the Head of Projects and Engineering for approval.

Coordinate with consultants for preparing tender documents and evaluation reports of tenders with recommendations to Head of Projects & Engineering.

Monitor the execution of projects and ensure that they are performed in accordance with the set design documents.

Coordinate with consultants & contractors and ensure the execution of project as per the specifications and drawings.

Review the material submittals, shop drawings, etc., and follow-up the procurement of materials.

Cross-check the contractor's valuations, variations, etc., and provide comments/ suggestions.

Supervise projects and conduct regular site visits and site meetings to ensure the progress of works.

Prepare progress reports on the projects in accordance with agreed time and format requirements.

Verify the billing and progress of work submitted by contractors and submit comments/ suggestions.

Check-up site readiness and coordinate with occupying department & other concerned departments for smooth mobilization.

Maintain a good understanding of project design techniques, methodology and best practices for a wide variety of small to medium scale projects.

Maintain utmost confidentiality; design documents should only be provided on a need to know basis.

Project design & execution should be in compliance with all regulatory requirements.
그 외 자격요건 You should have completed your university graduation in Civil Engineering/ Architecture

You should have 4 years of experience in a similar job.

Along with Proficient communication skills in both Languages English and Arabic (preferable); and essential MS Computer skills, Access, Primavera, and knowledge in CAD/CAM applications.
모집공고 URL https://www.worldjob.or.kr/advnc/epmtLink.do?joCrtfcNo=E20191215004&joCrtfcDsp=1&joCrtfcDspSn=1&menuId=1000002042


급여사항(년) 면접 후 결정 계약기간 [정규직]
근무시간 8시간/5일 보험가입 Life and Health insurance
비자타입 취업비자 퇴직금 End of Service
가족동반 가능 숙식
항공료 항공료 제공 휴가 15
기타 근로조건 주거비 등 별도 지원(협의)
*연봉 2100만원 이상 확인


구인기업 업종 국내은행
기업명 비공개
근무지주소 비공개


(한국시간 기준)
2019-12-16 ~ 2020-11-20
채용예정일 2020-11-21
필수서류 영문이력서 , 영문자기소개서
기타 제출서류 Resume / CV
진행방법 ※ 본 공고와 관련한 추후 면접진행 및 채용과정, 당사자 간 합의 및 계약 사항에 대해서는 KOTRA가 책임지지 않음을 알려드리오니 착오 없으시기 바랍니다. ※ 위 기재된 채용예정일은 업체 사정상 변경 될 수 있음을 알려드립니다. ※ 면접 대상자는 개별 통보 합니다. 구직자는 이력서에 추후 합격 통보를 위해 주소 연락 가능 연락처 (전화번호, 이메일)등이 기재되어 있는지 확인 후 접수 해주시기 바랍니다.
문의처 nowkeaj@kotra.or.kr ※ 이메일로 이력서 지원은 불가하며 공고 관련 문의 시 E로 시작하는 공고번호를 반드시 기재하여 주시기 바랍니다.
담당자 이재권
기타사항 ※ 본 공고와 관련한 추후 면접진행 및 채용과정, 당사자 간 합의 및 계약 사항에 대해서는 KOTRA가 책임지지 않음을 알려드리오니 착오 없으시기 바랍니다. ※ 위 기재된 채용예정일은 업체 사정상 변경 될 수 있음을 알려드립니다. ※ 면접 대상자는 개별 통보 합니다. 구직자는 이력서에 추후 합격 통보를 위해 주소 연락 가능 연락처 (전화번호, 이메일)등이 기재되어 있는지 확인 후 접수 해주시기 바랍니다.